#WordPrompt : Bridge

I am so excited !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohkay, I will lay of the exclamation marks.

Photo by Sebastian Voortman on Pexels.com

Hi there, For those who know me as dead, welcome back to resurrected Archie! Woo hoo
The first time I am reading about this prompt and it is so exciting. I am still getting a hold on this account, and the number of topics I have blogged about is really weird, starting from recipes to ways to deal with exam pressure!
Well, here’s my post on #WordPrompt Cheerio!

(If you didn’t get the memo, so excited!!😆😆)

Bridge… to my posts

So how the heck do my posts link together *tries to wink suavely, but ends up squinting*

My blog, If I may say so, has a pretty regular history, but for me, it is so precious. It is a bridge between all I am ( polite society calls me cute, but I am sure they mean adorable fumbling mess) and all I can be.

It is a Bridge between all I have to be within polite society and all the freedom a little known post gives me. My first post is Our Family of Nature , a poem which was supposed to be just for school but which just couldn’t stop flowing out. While my newest post is The Amazing All Speaks. Do check them out!

I have taken some Website creation classes ( they had way more mystifying names with such ginormous terms that I simply could not bother with) all of which said that you should have a common theme which makes sense. Actually, those teachers did make sense…..*scratches their head in bewilderment* so why did I take a website which is a really amusing mix of everything? Simple! I wanted The Amazing All to reflect what I wanted to get through to my readers * cheers in triumph, then slips on the carpet*

I just wanted a website which was basic review of where I wanted to dabble in, be it recipes, mental mental health advice or just how to have fun . Annnnd Book reviews. And more things that I won’t bug you with now. So the Bridge between all of these posts, besides being on the same website (Duh! *eyeroll*) is that they are different facets of my personality.

So what is my message here? Be Unapologetically YOU. Whether it be a nerd and a gym rat at the same time, or a housewife who loves playing poker, don’t let well-meaning people ( and definitely dont let jealous twerps) change how You want to live life. Your hobbies don’t have to “seemingly” just have this perfect “fit”. You are the Bridge to your different aspects and don’t let anyone break that connection to yourself.

Phew! That was my overdose of seriousness for the month! Toodles!

Yours rather-frightened-by-heavy-stuff-ly

A side note by The Amazing All:

The Amazing All: Hope you had fun reading this even if you are eyerolling at my writer’s antics, frankly speaking, I am totally in agreement. Archie is a whole lot of loopy.
Archie: Hey! Ain’t ya sposed ta be grateful, ya lil twerp! I could end ya in the trash
The Amazing All: I am a computer program, I don’t have feelings andddd, won’t today’s post be counter-effective then?
Archie: Damn!
The Amazing All: I apologise for my creator, They are a whole lot of maturity *cough*crazy kid*cough*. If you liked this post, be sure to check more of me out! Au revoir!

Published by Arcanum Domina

Hello everyone out there. I am Arcanum Domina, a passionate blogger at wordpress. I write about recipes, books and write compositions. Enjoy!

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